In the Studio 6


Earlier this year we went on location to record The Colonial Musketeers Junior Fife and Drum Corps.
Established in 1975 the "Corps" is home based in Hackettstown, New Jersey and since it's inception
they have performed all over the United States and abroad. Some notable performances have included
Ground Zero, St. Patrick's Day and Desert Storm Tickertape Parades in NYC. Halftime shows at Giants
Stadium and the West Point Military Academy. A performance at the Scottish Festival and Highland
Games in Ontario Canada and the First International Muster in London England.

The Colonial Musketeers



The photos below were taken at the Hackettstown Community Center
in Hackettstown, NJ. on the day of our recording session. I would like
to thank all the musicians for playing so beautifully that day and making
my job very easy. Also a big thank you to Kevin Tracy for assisting me with
set up and engineering during the recording process and many thanks to
Kate Bolcar and Gerard Cortese for their help during the mixing session !





from left to right

from left to right

Jill Kramer-Erin Ernst-Melissa Markle-Courtney Wright-Kate Bolcar

Emily Metzger-Morgan Graham-Courtney Wright-Melissa Markle

Emily Metzger-Caroline Hatcher-Leah Ekhart-Annie Blanc

Melanie-Trillo-Jill Kramer-Kate Bolcar-Leah Ekhart-Erin Ernst





from front to back

from front to back

Patrick McHale - Daniel Blanc

Connor Hatcher - Rob Falcone


 Check Out These Sample Tracks !!!


Paddy on a Handcar / Black Bear     Washington's Grand March

Sammy and Dickerson     Chain Cotillion     Bottom of the Punchbowl


Click here for more....In the Studio !!!


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