About Hilltop


      Hilltop Studios began around 1983.  Originally a hobby, experimenting with tape recorders, recording myself or friends grew into a part time business.  I have recorded many local area bands and solo artists, in many styles of music.  Classic rock, blues, country, contemporary and once, we even did a fife and drum marching band.  The studio is located in my home.  The room pictured on the home page is the control room, which is dedicated to all the equipment used in the recording process.   I use various other rooms to do the actual recording depending on the instruments involved and number of musicians.   For example if a drum kit is to be recorded I will usually set up the kit in a room off of my living room which can comfortably handle the drums and also allow most of the other musicians to be close enough for eye contact.  Guitar amps will usually be placed in other rooms to provide isolation.   Vocals may be done in an unused upstairs bedroom.   Everyone will be listening to each other with headphones and I think the fact that we are recording in a home environment helps everyone feel relaxed and comfortable.
      With today's technology it is possible to go down to your local music store/computer store and for a fairly modest investment come away with some good quality recording equipment.  This is great and I'm all for technology.  The down side to this is many people will be disappointed with the results.  It's not so much the equipment as it is the techniques used to capture the sound.  Sound recording is an art that takes time to learn.  Understanding how the equipment works, understanding what sound the artist is striving for and translating that to a finished product.    A product that you will be satisfied with and proud of.

      I am part time musician myself and I have recorded at studios, small time to big time.  It's been my experience that the greatest satisfaction and sense of accomplishment has come at those establishment's that were staffed or run by people who truly cared about "your" sound.  People who are willing to work with you, help you, make suggestions and sometimes more importantly, just listen.
      Hopefully I have conveyed to you the reason I do this is because I really enjoy it.  Certainly not for the money although a few extra bucks helps me buy a new piece of gear from time to time.
      So give us a call and make an appointment to stop by and check out the studio.  Listen to some recordings and we can talk about your project.


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