In the Studio 2


 Julia Schmidt , a singer/songwriter from Columbia, NJ has been "In Studio"
 often, recording her original songs and vocal tracks for artists she connects with on a website
called Broad Jam. Basically it works like this. Song writers seeking vocalist's, vocalist's seeking
songwriters (and pretty much everything in between connected to the Arts) connect on the Broad
website. They may be looking to collaborate with other musicians, post some of their material
for others to listen to and comment on or simply just being social with the music community.
Julia is a very talented artist with a beautiful voice.  Check out  the links below and be sure to
listen to "The Gift" written by Donovan Tucker and Adam Avery, featuring Julia on vocals.  Enjoy !!



Some sample tracks for your listening pleasure !!


from a Christmas album Julia is working on :

Silent Night

Winter Wonderland


Why Not Dance With Me 
Copyright © 2014 V. Staropoli & C. Mechenbier

....and Julia covers
Landslide  (Stevie Nicks)

Video of "The Gift" featuring Julia Schmidt


Stay Eleven     Copyright © 2015 Julia Schmidt
A new song written and recently recorded by Julia for her
11 year old daughter Brooke !!

Music for the backing track performed by Peter Schwepker,
Saxophones performed by Paul Messina
******Enjoy !!******





Amigos Amigos with Dan Silverstein on drums, Tina Aragona on bass,
Nick Evans on guitar and Chuck Salamone on guitar and vocals have completed
their first album entitled,
It's Okay They're Not Listening !! Featuring twelve original
songs collaboratively written by the band, the musical style of this record blends
the genres of rock and flavors them with everything from Punk to Jazz.



 Dan        Chuck       Tina        Nick 




Check out these Sample Tracks !!

I Don't Want To Be Famous
Divide Yourself
It's Okay They're Not Listening
Bucking Ben Stanton
Curtain Call


Check out Amigos Amigos on Facebook !!

all songs copyright © 2014 Amigos Amigos


News Flash !  Amigos Amigos

"It's Okay, They're Not Listening"

now available on  iTunes ,
CD Baby
and Spotify  !!

Go Get Yours !!!





Bill Clinton recently completed recording a new original song entitled
"Rolling Thunder" (So Loud  and Clear). The song was written to commemorate our fallen hero's
who have given all in the defense of our country. Bill is a professional entertainer who has been
involved in country music for many years. He is the founder and director of Bill Clinton's Country
Music Productions
, which has hosted such Grand Ole Opry stars as Billy Walker, Justin Tubb
(Ernest Tubb's Son), Tommy Cash (brother of Johnny Cash), David Rogers and Little Jimmy Dickins
along with many other notable country music entertainers. Bill is presently producing many concerts
and benefits for various area churches and other organanizations.



Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton's band The Keystone Troubadours
Jim Daniels, Jim Thompson, Bill Clinton, Ann Brown and Bill Ponnett


Listen to a sample of : Rolling Thunder-So Loud and Clear
Copyright © 2012 Bill Clinton (music), Paul Clymer (lyrics)

Click the link to view a YouTube video of Bill performing the new single.





Eugene Amici recently completed recording an original song entitled
 "Secret Life" at Hilltop. Eugene played all the guitars, sang the vocals
 with Lori Blois singing  backing vocals and we added some sequenced drums.



Eugene and I   "In Studio"


Secret Life

Copyright © 2012 Eugene Amici


Click here for more....In the Studio !!!


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